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Invest Overview

Now is the time to 'Save a Pub for Bampton Valley' by acquiring and restoring 'The Mardale' under community ownership. This is a 'one-off' opportunity to secure our rural heritage for the long term benefit of Valley residents and our visitors - we must not let it pass us by.

As shareholders, we will be equal members of the 'Community Benefit Society'. Together we can enhance the building's amenities, influence the pub's offerings by working in partnership with a professional tenant, keep spend in the local economy to support employment, and help address other challenges of the area such as community cohesion and social isolation. We will be making a positive material impact on our World Heritage Site.

This Share Offer was open during February 2022. There was an optimal target to raise of £360,000. In the event it closed early as the maximum target of £400,000 was reached before March 3rd.

This webpage provides all the documents that supported the original Share Offer, an 'At a Glance' summary and directions on how to apply for the 'Shares Waitlist' or to make a short term donation now.

We are now focused on sourcing approximately £200,000 in additional grants and donations to ensure that the pub can be fully redeveloped, can meet its full business plan and is sustainable for generations to come.

Share Prospectus & Business Plan

The Community Shares Standard Mark has been awarded to the Share Offer listed on this page. It is not awarded to the society as whole. The Community Shares Standard Mark is awarded by the Community Shares Unit to offers that meet national standards of good practice.

These standards ensure that:

  • The offer document and application form are easy to understand

  • You are provided with all the facts you need to make an informed decision

  • The facts are supported by a business plan for the society

  • Nothing in the documents is purposefully incorrect, confusing or misleading

Societies are asked to sign a Code of Practice requiring them, among other things, to give the public a right of complaint to the Community Shares Unit. For more information about community shares, the Community Shares Standard Mark and the Community Shares Unit go to:

Our 'Share Prospectus', 'Business Plan', 'Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) and CBS 'Model Rules' documents are available as PDFs to download here (if you would like a paper copy of the 'Share Prospectus' please email us with your home address to or call us on 01931-338754):

Share Offer 'At a Glance'

Web Image (400 x 480 mm) - P2.png

How to Help

The share offer is now closed to any new applications.


If you wish to join the waiting list for any future shares, please email and let us know the value of shares you may be interested in.

We have a lot of work to undertake so we are open to any donations of any size. Bank transfer details are below. Please send us an email to to confirm your donation and personal details, if you wish. 

Bank details for BACS transfer are:

  • Account Name: Bampton Valley Pub

  • Bank: Cooperative Bank

  • Sort Code: 08-92-99

  • Account Number: 67237379


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Bampton Valley Community Pub Limited

A Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (Number 8740)

A member of the Plunkett Foundation Business Network

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